Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Busy day..

Hey there,
Just going to write a quick note because it has been such a busy day. Work was amazing and I got off at 1pm. Thankfully I dont have to go in tomorrow so I get a break! This afternoon I went and had an interview. It went well and he even said that I did a very nice job, but I dont think I got the job because they wanted someone to start right away. But hey if I get a call then I'll take it but we will see.   I got an email about another job at a school and I'll find more about that one tomorrow!! I know something will come around pretty soon and I'm excited about it!! Planning on taking it easy tomorrow and sleeping in. Going to read, listen to music, and journal.

Good night,

God works in amazing ways!

God has been working in ways that I've never thought. He is amazing because of who He is! Ok so honestly I'm a bit confused at everything that has been happening but I'm trusting God to get me through. Starting Monday, I contacted places that I had applied to and already I have two interviews. I have one this afternoon at 3:30. I'm so excited! If I get this job it will be 2-11pm and weekends. The other job is a education job but they have not contacted me for an interview yet. So we will see. Crazy things have been happening and I'm just focusing on being myself. I love my family and just because sometimes when I'm stressed I talk to other people doesnt mean that I dont love them. I do love them and I thank God for everything they do. But on the same note, I am eager to move out to simply start a life of my own =) No matter what the future holds I know that my Savior is always there for me.

Will write more and tell you how my interview went, bye all.
Steph C Pickle

Monday, December 27, 2010

Ready to Go

Hey Everyone:
I trust everyone had a good Christmas! I was able to spend a few days up with
my brother in Michigan which I really enjoyed!! He is doing really good and I
love his graduation pictures. It was really special to be up there this year.
All of the cousins were getting really old and tall. It was great seeing
everyone~I have everyone's phone numbers so I can stay in touch!!

I'm really excited about school starting back on the 10th. Yea I know it may
sound like I'm a nerd, but I like being able to focus and apply to my mind to
something especially when there are things going on.  Also having 8am classes
will motivate me more to get up everyday and run! I'm hoping to be able to run
a marathon soon!!

I'm so thankful that I know the God I serve
Steph Pickle

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Adventures: Merry Christmas to all!!

My Adventures: Merry Christmas to all!!: "Hey everyone! Sorry that it has been so long since I've posted. Tomorrow I'm going to fly up to Michigan to see my brother. I'm so excited. ..."

Merry Christmas to all!!

Hey everyone!
Sorry that it has been so long since I've posted. Tomorrow I'm going to fly up to Michigan to see my brother. I'm so excited. Last night I was really sick but thankfully I'm feeling better thanks to my mom making honeycomb tea and a bunch of rest. Work has been pretty good but it will be nice for a break. Yesterday, the kids wanted me to play tag with them but I told them no lol. When I get back I will have plenty of pictures to upload and will start applying for more jobs =)

Oh by the way I got a 3.0 for this semester. My overall GPA right now is a 2.5 which is what you need to get itno education. I'm hoping it will be a 3.0 overall though by the time I am done so that way I can go to USF in Tampa. Classes start back on the 10th. I'm going to have a full load..every day I have classes starting at 8am!! I cant wait to start next semester, but I'm planning on enjoying my time that I'm not in class. I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS =)

Will write more later,
Steph C Pickle