Tuesday, August 10, 2010

RaInBoW oF pRoMiSeS

It's been raining here alot!! But I have been enjoying it so much. It makes me think of Noah's Ark and the beautiful rainbow that was God's promise never to flood the earth with water. There is something so relaxing about not getting wet, but hearing rain drops falling on the rooof. Honestly, I have been thinking of how much God "showers" on us each and every day...blessings, mercy, grace, love, protection, opportunities to serve, challenges and obstacles to overcome...the list can go on forever. I'm so thankful for how much God gives to me even though I don't deserve it.   Today I came across a definition of obsessed: to have the mind excessively preocupied with a single topic or emotion. (In the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan).

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